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Coaching & 
Community Partnerships

Renew’s mission is to see people transformed and our community renewed.  Renew is known for providing a community space, hosting community events, and being a key stakeholder in every area of our sphere of influence.  Our efforts to live out our mission continue to expand in creative and innovative ways. 

Our Coaching and Community Partnerships are a great example of our desire to invest in people wherever they are.  Over the past 4 years, Renew has partnered with both large companies and small non-profit organizations to help develop and invest in their teams and volunteers.  

Employee Investment Partnership


“Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership”.-ICF

     Professional Coaching is a highly effective tool to bring the productivity and effectiveness of your team to new levels.  The Coaching relationship consists of a specific number of agreed upon one-on-one sessions.  These goal oriented coaching sessions can, at the sponsoring stakeholders discretion, be used to help a team member achieve work related goals, improve performance, and refine professional skills.  We have experience working with employer sponsored clients who have been referred to coaching due to performance issues, and also employer sponsored clients who are high-level performers and have been referred to coaching to prepare them for higher levels of responsibility.  Will is a coach with many years of experience in executive coaching and is currently in-process for receiving his ACC accreditation with the International Coaching Federation.  

Development Workshops

     It can be challenging to find the time and resources to invest in your employees, let alone treat them to something nice.  With Renew’s Lunch Development Workshops, we take care of that for you.  Renew will cater a full lunch for up to 20 people and provide a training workshop designed to encourage your employees, offer them something of personal and professional value, and add value to your employee culture.  Lunch is optional though!  We have a fully refined 6 month professional development workshop series than consists of six 1hr long sessions with a celebratory debrief to round out the experience.

Staff and Volunteer Retreats

     Ready to take your team to the mountains for a few days away?  We partner with you to design a retreat that can facilitate any number of objectives.  Teambuilding?  Yes!  Learning? Yes!  Visioneering?  Absolutely!  Our all inclusive retreats include lodging and meals.  Retreats much be booked at least 6 months in advance.


Professional/Personal Development Small Groups

     “In order for an enduring relationship to exist, it must exist in more than one context.”  What would it look like to know that one of your teams was meeting off-site and engaged in a small group designed to grow them personally and professionally?  Would it result in camaraderie and mutual trust?  How would those relationships affect the production line or the office culture?  Renew Development Small Groups are designed to do just that.  Based upon a chosen book on personal/professional development, the group works like a book club that is facilitated in a way to bring about maximum reflection and engagement.  Participants are encouraged to share experiences with one another and put principles into practice both at work and at home.  

What does it cost?

     The extent of Renew's involvement with your organization is intended to be customized to your needs, and thus, will determine the overall cost.  If you are interested in coaching for yourself or one of your team members, we design a custom contract for the coaching relationship only.  Retreats, workshops, or other services are also custom priced depending on the occasion.  On the other end of the spectrum, for some companies, Renew is on permanent retainer to provide up to a maximum number of coaching sessions, etc.  This means that depending on your size and projected needs, Renew and your organization can customize your own version of our Employee Investment Partnership.   

     If you're interested in exploring coaching or other aspects of our Employee Investment Partnership, fill out the contact form below, or reach out directly using the listed contact information.

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Interested in exploring the possibilities of a partnership with Renew?


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