Renew is designed to financially supported by business sales, tithes, and donations. Here are some ways you can partner with us.
Store sales cover about 75% of total cost of running the business and the ministry. The amount of community involvement, individual discipleship, church services, and other Gospel-centric missions means that outside support is essential for Renew to function.
How to Give
We heavily depend upon regular gifts to fuel this amazing ministry and we make giving EASY! Simply click on the "GIVE" button where you can give via our partnership with Just follow the prompts. You can easily set up reoccurring donations or one time gifts. You can donate using a credit/debit card, or right out of your checking account with ACH checking account transfers (cheapest processing fees). Processing these payment does have a cost to Renew so covering the processing costs is option for you. Using your bank's bill-pay system is easy and usually free, or you can send us a check too!
Will you partner with us in prayer? Jesus has told us that "apart from me, you can do nothing". (John 15:5). Visit our Prayer Wall @ Renew to view our recent prayer requests and to join our prayer team which meets every Wednesday @ 1 pm.
Be a Customer!
75% of our funding comes from the store. Not only do we need your business, but we need your friends and family as well. If you line in the area, or are even traveling through, support Renew by making us the go-to drink, eat, and hang out for you!
Will you give us your time?
We are always looking for leaders to train and unleash. Contact us to learn more about opportunities to serve at Renew.
​Will you partner with us by passing on the vision of Renew? Many people have contacts who would be interested in partnering with Renew. Maybe you have connections with people, churches, or businesses who want to align their resources with this exciting vision. Will you help us spread the word about what God is doing in Jerome? Please share our website and facebook page with your friends!